Yao Group Privatissimum

Recording/plan of Yao group seminars with guest speakers.

Time (GMT+8)SpeakerTopicDetailsFormatLocation
Yan Guanao
Gao Lan
(University of Tennessee Knoxville)
Sun Saifei
(CityU HK)
Gaussian processCovariance parameters estimation in Gaussian process modelsHybirdDSDSNUSS16 07-107
Li Jinzhou
Root Cause DiscoveryRoot Cause DiscoveryHybirdDSDSNUSS16 07-107
Lin Runyu
CellscopeCellscope: an Application of Manifold FittingOfflineSanyaTSIMF
Lu Yukun
scAMFManifold Fitting in the Analysis of Sequencing DataOfflineSanyaTSIMF
Su Jiaji
Principal Nested SubmanifoldPrincipal Decomposition with Nested SubmanifoldsOfflineSanyaTSIMF
Yao Zhigang
Manifold FittingManifold FittingOfflineSanyaTSIMF
Lin Runyu
Manifold Fitting in scRNAManifold Fitting: A Novel Platform for Biomedical DiscoveriesOfflineSIMISShanghai
Yao Zhigang
Statistics and GeometryInteraction of Statistics and Geometry: A New Landscape for Data ScienceHybirdSIMISShanghai
Zhang Zhengwu
(UNC Chapel Hill)
Generative ModelsGenerative Models for Brain Network Data Analysis: VAEs, GANs, and Diffusion ModelsHybirdSIMISShanghai
WU Yingying
(U of Houston)
Moduli SpacesModuli Spaces in Graph Theory and Comparison TheoremsHybirdSIMISShanghai
He Yinqiu
Heterogeneous NetworksEfficient analysis of latent spaces in heterogeneous networksHybirdSIMISShanghai
Xu Benda
Neutrino DetectionThe Laws and Functions of Neutrino DetectionHybirdSIMISShanghai
Yao Zhigang
Manifold FittingTalk at “Statistical methods for network analysis”OfflineSanyaTSIMF
Yao Zhigang
Manifold FittingTalk at “The 6th Conference on Computational and Mathematical Bioinformatics and Biophysics”OfflineSanyaTSIMF
Yang Can
Deep Learning
3D Spatial Transcriptomics
A probabilisitic deep learning approach for analyzing 3D spatial transcriptomics dataHybirdSIMISShanghai
Li Bingjie
Manifold FittingManifold Fitting: A Novel Platform Driving Discoveries in Human HealthOfflineSIMISShanghai
Ding Tao
EEGManifold-valued models for analysis of EEG time series dataHybirdSIMISShanghai
Xia Kelin
Mathematical AI for Molecular SciencesMathematical AI for Molecular SciencesHybirdDSDSNUS
Liu Qiao
Generative AI
High-dimensional Data Analysis
A Flexible Generative AI Framework for High-dimensional Data AnalysisHybirdDSDSNUSS16 07-107
Lars Lammers
(University of Goettingen)
Stickiness in CAT(κ)Exploring Stickiness in CAT(κ) SpacesHybirdDSDSNUSS16 07-107
Xu Jiadai
(Fudan University)
MyelomaMyelomaHybirdDSDSNUSS16 07-107
Zhou Doudou
Representation LearningRepresentation Learning for Integrative Analysis of Multi-institutional EHR DataHybirdDSDSNUSS16 07-107
WU Yingying
(U of Houston)
Geometric Deep LearningGeometric Deep LearningHybirdDSDSNUSS16 07-107
Hu Gang
(Nankai U)
Spatial transcriptomicsEnhancing spatial transcriptomics data using self supervised learning and transfer learningHybirdDSDSNUSS16 07-107
Yao Zhigang
Manifold LearningManifold Learning: An Invitation to Data ScienceOfflineIMSNUS
Hiroki Tanaka
Riemannian foliation via Malliavin calculusRiemannian foliation via Malliavin calculusHybirdDSDSNUSS16 07-107
Lu Yukun
CryoEMApplication of Manifold Fitting in CryoEMHybirdDSDSNUSS16 07-107
Mikael Kuusela
Neural likelihood estimationNeural likelihood surface estimation for computationally intensive or intractable spatial modelsHybirdSIMISShanghai
Benjamin Eltzner
Principal SubmanifoldPrincipal SubmanifoldHybirdSIMISShanghai
Debashis Paul
Sequential sample covariance
Spectrum of sequential sample covariances with application to detecting structural changes under a spiked covariance modelHybirdSIMISShanghai
Bodhisattva Sen

Different from regular time
Bayes Multiple TestingEmpirical Partially Bayes Multiple Testing and Compound Chi-squared DecisionsHybirdSIMISShanghai
Qiang Zhang
(Zhejiang University)
AI4ScienceLanguage and Knowledge Driven Scientific DiscoveryHybirdSIMISShanghai
Kang Jian
(University of Michigan)
Manifold learning
Scalable Bayesian inference for heat kernel Gaussian processes on manifoldsHybirdSIMISShanghai
Richard Samworth
Optimal convex M-estimationOptimal convex M-estimation via score matchingHybirdSIMISShanghai
Lin Lizhen
(University of Maryland)
Learning TheoryStatistical theory of deep generative modelsHybirdSIMISShanghai
Jun Liu

Different from regular time
False discovery rate controlSome recent results for p-value free FDR ControlsHybirdSIMISShanghai
Po-Ling Loh
M-estimationDifferentially private M-estimation via noisy optimizationHybirdSIMISShanghai
Yang Lijian
(Tsinghua Univeristy)
Functional DataStatistical Inference for Functional Data over Multi-dimensional DomainHybirdSIMISShanghai
Tailin Wu
(Westlake University)
Diffusion generative
Compositional inverse design and control with diffusion generative modelsHybirdSIMISShanghai
Yue Lu
In-context LearningAsymptotic theory of in-context learning by linear attentionHybirdSIMISShanghai
Stephan Huckemann
(University of Goettingen)
Non-Euclidean Statistics
Generalized Fréchet Mean
Non-Euclidean Statistics Building on Generalized Fréchet Means and ApplicationsHybirdSIMISShanghai
Ling Pan
Reinforcement LearningTowards Robust, Efficient and Practical Decision Making: From Reward-Maximizing Deep Reinforcement Learning to Reward-Matching GFlowNetsHybirdSIMISShanghai
Jiaji Su
Principal Nested SubmanifoldsPrincipal Nested SubmanifoldsHybirdSIMISShanghai
Zhigang Yao
Manifold FittingPrincipal flows/submanifolds and random fixed boundary flowsHybirdSIMISShanghai
Hong Chengkuan
Deep Neyman-Scott ProcessesDeep Neyman-Scott ProcessesOnlineNUS
Yao Zhigang
Manifold fittingSIAM Conference on Applied Linear AlgebraOfflinePairsSorbonne Université
Lin Qian
Learning theory
Deep neural networks
Towards a statistical understanding of deep neural network: beyond the neural tangent kernel theoryHybirdDSDSNUSS16 07-107
Benjamin Eltzner
Torus PCA
Biological Data
Multi-scale Modelling of BiomoleculesHybirdDSDSNUSS16 07-107
Liu Dianbo
Machine Learning
Cognitively Inspired Machine Learning for Biomedical SciencesOfflineDSDSNUS
Li Didong
Spatial Data AnalysisA Journey to Derivatives: From Historical Foundations to Spatial OmicsHybirdDSDSNUSS16 07-107
Qiao Wanli
Ridge EstimationAlgorithms for ridge estimation with convergence guaranteesHybirdDSDSNUSS16 07-107
Yao Zhigang
Manifold FittingManifold Fitting - An Invitation to Statistics OfflineTHUYMSC
Yao Zhigang
Fixed Boundary FlowsPrincipal Flow, Sub-Manifold and BoundaryHybirdStatisticsTHU
Ma Rong
Single-cell data integrationIs you data alignable? A geometric view of single-cell data integration.HybirdDSDSNUSS16 07-107
Wu Di
Novel statistical bioinformatics methodNovel Statistical Methods for Integrative Analysis of Metagenome, Metatranscriptome and Metabolome Applied in a Cohort of Early Childhood Caries (ECC)HybirdDSDSNUSS16 07-107
Yang Shihao
(Georgia Tech)
Dynamic system inferenceInference of dynamic systems from noisy and sparse data via physics-informed Gaussian processesHybirdDSDSNUSS16 07-107
Yao Zhigang
Manifold fittingManifold Fitting with CycleGANHybirdTHUYMSC
Bao Chenglong
CryoEMRobust AI-aided Imaging Models with Unpaired DataHybirdDSDSNUSS16 07-107
Liu Hao
Learning theory
Low-dim structure
Deep Learning Theories for Problems with Low–Dimensional StructuresHybirdDSDSNUSS16 07-107
Tang Rong
Minimax adversarial loss
Minimax Rate of Distribution Estimation on Unknown Submanifold under Adversarial Losses.OfflineNUSSRC 01-03EUTown